Assalamoalaikum (Peace be upon you)

I am a child who likes blogging and Scratch. I like reading and writing. This blog is for sharing my creations and activities, so stay tuned!

Monday 8 June 2015

The Importance of Commenting on a Childs Blog

I liked this post so I wanted to share it with you guys. This post was written by Fatima Salman at Fatima's Archives, so please see her blog because its amazing!

"In the 21st century, when the use of social media is on its peak, a child making his\her blog to share his\her writings and other work with the world is definitely something to appreciate and encourage.

So, how can we encourage young children to keep on blogging?

It takes just a few words of encouragement in the form of a comment to make a young blogger happy.

I recently got to know how many people visit my blog. At a program a couple of months back, several people told me that they regularly visited my blog and read all my writings. My Dad had told them about my blog. I was really surprised; I didn't think that anyone other than my immediate family and close friends visited my blog at all.

I said; “Really? I had no idea! How would I know that you’re visiting my blog? You should comment on it, so I’d know.” (By the way, I didn't get any comments from those people even after telling them this)

So, my point is, you've got to comment on a kid’s blog to tell him\her that ‘I’m here to read your writings, please continue to put things on your blog. I enjoy looking at your work.

You cannot imagine how happy I become when I post an article I wrote on my blog and find a couple of comments on it a few days later. This makes me feel that someone is there to read my writings.

So if you visit my blog or any other kid’s blog regularly and do not comment, please think of sharing a few words about the post by commenting on it."


  1. Maryam,
    So brave of you and Fathima to take up presenting your ideas through blogging in an adult world of bloggers. All the best for you darling

  2. Thank you Maryam for acknowledging my concern and giving me credits in this article. I am totally against plagiarism without permission and credits.
